April 2, 2010

April 2, 2010
Greg and Haley

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Horseshoe Bend or Bust

Since it's my Spring Break and all we decided to take a trip to Horseshoe Bend to visit my family. My brother Joel talked us into running a 5K the day after we got there. I have run a bunch of races in my day, but NOT since I've been married. This was Greg's first 5K. We ended up running it with Joel's family and my sister Cassidy. I realize that this is not a very flattering picture of us, but I want to remember the experience.

After the race, Greg and I went with my sister Cassidy to a Young Womens luncheon at the stake center. Don't we look like sisters? We have the same color hair.

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It was a good time.

That night we played the wii at Joel's house. It wasn't just ANY wii... it was Dance wii. I couldn't stop laughing when I got to dance with my parents.

Ha ha

My dad really got into it...

So did my mom!

Greg let Emery (our nephew) wear his glasses. Doesn't he look so smart?

Our last day in Horseshoe Bend we went over to the high school to see my brother Dillon's artwork.

Pretty impressive.

I told Dillon and Greg to touch each other and act like friends for the picture and this is what I got out of them. Smart alecks. You can see Dillon's paper mache creature on the top of the shelf.

Livin' it up at home

Me and my parents.

Greg and my parents. It was a great trip! I bet you're all jealous.

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