April 2, 2010

April 2, 2010
Greg and Haley

Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Christmas to Remember

All year long we had been planning and looking forward to going to Utah for Christmas. We were going to spend it with Greg's family. With our crazy lives, the trip was going to be something so special and meaningful to us. However, about three days before Christmas, our plans changed...

Greg's boss asked him to work until noon on Christmas Eve AND the day after Christmas. If we went to Utah we would practically miss Christmas Eve (because we would arrive in the late evening) and then we would have to leave to come home on Christmas afternoon. That would mean spending less than 24 hours in Utah and driving 6 hours or more on Christmas day. On top of that our car was having trouble. So, we decided it would probably be best for us to just stay home for Christmas.

We were really bummed about it all at first. I couldn't even listen to the songs 'I'll Be Home For Christmas' or 'White Christmas' (since it doesn't snow here). But then we decided to make it a special Christmas with just the three of us. So...

We made sugar cookies.

Here's the one I am most proud of (and of course it says Mom on it).

Then we started baking other treats: chocolate covered pretzels, caramels and peanut butter cups. Don't you wish you lived by us and could taste some of those yummy goodies??

We went to the mall to see the Christmas tree display and say hi to Santa!

Yeah, Emily is definitely a daddy's girl...look at that smile!

Then we went home and had a Christmas Eve feast of ham, potato casserole, green bean casserole, raspberry jello, rolls, sparkling apple cider, and cheesecake for dessert! We were stuffed!!

After dinner Greg read us Luke 2 and Emily insisted on sitting in her stroller...

Then Greg played his violin and we sang Christmas songs... well, he played and I sang!

Emily wasn't really into the singing...

At least she is cute though!!

We finished off the evening looking at Christmas lights and watching 'Meet Me In St. Louis'. I was so excited to watch it with Greg because he had never seen it before, but he fell asleep like an hour into it!

The next day we got up around 6:30 and Santa had come. Emily loved her gifts. She was so happy and entertained ALL day!

Gotta love coloring books... they're cheap and provide hours of entertainment!

It turned out to be a great Christmas. Greg said it was even better than last year. It is always a great Christmas when you get to share it with those you love.

Monday, December 16, 2013

BURR... Merry Christmas!!!

Last year I made a New Year's resolution to write a family Christmas card. The worst thing...I posted it on my blog so there was forever proof that I said it. I know this is a totally lame excuse for a Christmas card, but it is the best we can do and afford for this year. Next year you can expect a card (and I posted that on the blog, so I'll be sure to do it!) 

We started off the year moving into a two bedroom apartment here in Las Vegas. Since both of us serve in the youth program, we were grateful to receive so much help from the youth in our ward. In April we achieved three years of marriage. Naturally we rewarded ourselves and saw Bill Cosby live. We have had a lot of fun going on family outings to Mt. Charleston, the Springs Preserve, the Wetlands, the Natural History Museum, various parks, and regularly attending story time at our local library. Greg has been working super hard on his masters degree in Music Composition this year. Haley has devoted a lot of the year to posting on her Popcorn Reader blog that she completed. Emily has been walking, jabbering, and is the light of our lives. We feel very blessed. We are most grateful this year for our Savior, Jesus Christ and the hope and peace He continually brings to our family. 
We love you all so much. 
Merry Christmas!

The Best Time of the Year

Rachel (Greg's sister) got married on Tuesday, November 26 at the Oquirrh Mountain temple in Utah. We came up for the occasion. 

This is right outside the temple. Grandpa Burr and little Emily. Yes, her coat is on upside down...

Grandpa and Grandma Burr and Emily. It's no secret, Emily was tired and grumpy!

Their reception was that night in the Provo Library. Here is the Burr family, even Malerie (who is currently serving a mission) was represented in the picture.

Emily eating a pumpkin roll at the reception. I think she likes it! 

Since the wedding was right before Thanksgiving, my parents and little sister were in town and came to the reception. Here is Cassidy and my mom.

Here's the whole crew. 

Congratulations Rachel and Blake!

The day after the wedding I invited some of my co-workers over. We had so much fun catching up. They will forever be my dear friends. Thanks Marissa and Lisa!

Then we took Emily to the park and played in the leaves. She was so happy!

On Thanksgiving Day we hung out with my family. In was quite a fun crew: Dad, Mom, Whitney and Adam, Ashley and Ben, Derek, and Cassidy. Never a dull moment with this bunch!

 Emily all ready for church, Gemtek fly swatter and all!

Right before she got in trouble for playing with the ornaments on the Christmas tree...

On Monday, December 2 we went to Ethel M. Chocolate's to see the Christmas lights. Emily loved it even more than last year! It's no Temple Square, but it's pretty awesome!

Then we went inside to get our free chocolates. This picture was too funny to NOT put on the blog!

 Gotta love Christmas lights on palm trees!

The happy family, even though this picture makes me look three times the size of Greg!

 Our little cutie!

On Thursday, December 12, we went to see a live Nativity. It was outside and was so realistic. Here we are with the shepherds. Emily loved petting the real sheep.

Here we are with Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas season.