April 2, 2010

April 2, 2010
Greg and Haley

Monday, March 2, 2015

Leslie's Blessing Day

The Burr cousins: Leslie, Joel, Emily, and Meric.

 Dad and Mom Burr with their favorite grandkids.

Our family on Leslie's special day.

Me and my girls

 So cute!

Leslie Loraine in her blessing dress.

Everyone who came to celebrate Leslie's special day. FRONT ROW: Meric, Jesse, Aubry, Joel, Leslie, Haley, Grandma Burr, Malerie, Dad Burr, Mom Burr, Rachel, Blake. BACK ROW: Greg, Grandpa Burr, and Michael. Emily is in the very front!


  1. Great pictures! Looks like you guys had a great time!

  2. Wish we could have been there. She is beautiful - just like her mama!

  3. I really like the blessing dress you found! Sad that you couldn't find the one we were blessed in:( I can't believe you could sleep that many people in your house!

  4. That is an impressive dress! Very cute.
