April 2, 2010

April 2, 2010
Greg and Haley

Friday, December 6, 2019

Christmas Letter 2019

Dearest Family and Friends,

As we have reflected on this year, we are humbled by all of the wonderful things we have been blessed with. It has been a great year and we have so much to be thankful for.

Greg- At the beginning of this year Greg worked as an Assistant Manager at the Enterprise in the Jackson Hole, Wyoming Airport. When he accepted the job, we knew it would be a short term move of about 9-12 months. We took full advantage of living in a such a beautiful place and saw many beautiful and unforgettable places including: Swan Valley, Darby Canyon, the Snake River Mountains, Coal Creek, the Tetons, Jenny Lake, Mesa Falls, and Yellowstone. In September Greg was offered a position in Boise as a Branch Manager, so after 9 short months, we moved our family back to Boise. Work keeps Greg very busy, but in his free time he continues to do music as our Ward Choir Director and manages to fit in time to play his violin.

Haley- While Greg worked at the Jackson Hole Airport, 45 minutes from our home in Victor, I held down the fort with our four kids. I took them to open gym, to play at different parks, story time, and various play dates with friends. It was a harsh winter: 4 feet of snow and the coldest morning was -18 degrees, but the beauty around us made it all worth it. We had mixed emotions when we found out we were moving. Victor had become such a special place to us, but we were very excited to move back by family and friends. In April we celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary by going on a sleigh ride at the National Elk Refuge. It was unique and very fun. I still teach a few VIPKid classes every week and serve in the Young Women’s in our ward.

Emily (7)- At the beginning of this year, Emily got to take an ice-skating class that she absolutely loved. She has been begging to go ice skating again ever since it snowed here in Boise. Emily also took gymnastics and really enjoyed it. She can even do the splits! She has started losing teeth and keeps assuring me that she will lose her two front teeth before Christmas. Greg started teaching her piano a couple of months ago and she likes it enough that I don’t have to nag her to practice!

Leslie (4)- Leslie loves playing with her sisters and is definitely the peacemaker in our family. Although Leslie does not enjoy hiking or road trips, she was a good sport this summer as we went on our various adventures. This year Leslie got glasses, just in time to start Preschool. She goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays for a couple of hours and has a great time. Her favorite things are playing, coloring, and eating anything sweet. Leslie will go to Kindergarten next year. She is really growing up!

Abby (3)- Abby is 15 months younger than Leslie and they are just about the same size. Abby is very playful and makes me laugh a lot. She loves looking at books, making up stories, and listening to songs on the radio really loud. We go to a Music and Movement class on Wednesdays at the library which is totally her thing. She enjoys being outside and has loved going to the apple orchard, the pumpkin patch, and to see the Christmas lights this year. Her most recent obsessions are Peter Pan and Jasmine.

Caleb (1)- It has been a year of milestones for Caleb. He learned how to roll over, sit up, eat solid foods, crawl, stand, and walk. He has 10 teeth right now, including two molars, making his smile absolutely adorable. His favorite things are playing fetch, getting all of the tupperware out of the cupboard, and playing hide and seek with me. It has been so fun to have a little boy! 

We are thankful for our Savior, Jesus Christ and this time of year to reflect on His birth. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

Greg, Haley, Emily, Leslie, Abigail, and Caleb Burr

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