April 2, 2010

April 2, 2010
Greg and Haley

Monday, July 30, 2012

We Have Been Blessed

Emily is now more than 2 months old and cuter than ever. Isn't that smile to die for??

This last week we went to Utah again. It was so fun to meet up with some old friends and catch up. Marissa and Lisa were my co-workers back in the day at the late Farrer Elementary. We had a great time sharing lunch at the Great China restaurant.

On July 24, Pioneer Day, Greg blessed Emily. It was so wonderful to have both the Flakes and the Burrs present to support Emily's special day.

Both Grandpa Flake and Grandpa Burr were in the circle. 

The proud parents

It is pretty neat that Emily is named after an ancestor and was blessed on Pioneer Day. In this photo we have Great Grandpa and Grandma Burr. Emily is named after Emily Mazel, Great Grandpa Burr's mother.

This blessing dress has a lot of significance. All of my six sisters and I wore this dress when we were blessed. Many of my nieces have also worn it on their blessing days. 

Our happy family (picture taken in Springville, UT).

We sure do love our baby girl!


  1. haley! she is just precious. it looks like you are enjoying motherhood. I love when they are so little and so cute!
